18 | UTC+8 | I do art | Legendary Procrastinator | Blueberry Gremlin | Multimedia Student | Hobbyist Dev

Hello! Name's Vix, I've primarily been drawing art for about 5 years now. Though most (94%) of my works are not public/hard to access, for the record. I intended to make this website for the sole purpose of organizing everything into one quick and easy index. Much more to be seen with it, but for now it is sufficient.

I enjoy doing programming as well. Decent grasp at its fundamentals, but more than enough for hobby projects.
I am also looking into improving my 3D skills, but its more towards the backburner for now.

I primarily draw using Clip Studio Paint or otherwise using Krita, using tablets from Huion like the H580X and the Kamvas 13 Gen 3. Though this model may have an issue with its buttons by design..


Take note that I will not entertain any form of contact that only contains a greeting. I prefer that you get straight to the point, and dont ask to ask.

These are some of the usernames that are associated with me. Details are monospaced for your convenience. Be wary of impersonators.
Though for the best place to reach out to me is on BlueSky. (See the navigator at the top of the page.)

Discord: vixellexiblade I do not accept random friend requests!
VRChat: Vixel Lexiblade I don't even have a VR headset...
Roblox: @Vixel_4076 Do people still play this unironically??

Page hosted on GitHub Pages. source?

This webpage is a placeholder for the time being.

Buttons from the 2000s. And some personal recommendations.
Creative Commons button, CC BY-SA 4.0 Hyperlink button for a web project called corru observer. Hyperlink button for the VSCodium project. Hyperlink button for aseprite project. Hyperlink button for the KeepassXC Project. Hyperlink button for the Ublock Origin Project.